A Bibliography of Melville
A page from
The Life and Works of Herman
MelvilleIn addition to traditional biographies, this
page includes a section on letters,
journals, and other personal materials.
Biographies and Biographical Information
- Allen, Gay Wilson, Melville and His World. New York:
The Viking Press, 1971.
- Arvin, Newton, Herman Melville. New York: William
Sloane Associates, 1950.
- Charvat, William, "Melville's Income." In American
Literature, 15 (1943), pp. 251-61.
- Davis, Merrell R., "Melville's Midwestern Lecture Tour,
1859." In Philological Quarterly, 20 (1941), pp. 46-57.
- Freeman, John, Herman Melville. New York: Macmillan,
- Garner, Stanton, The Civil War World of Herman
Melville. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1993.
- Gilman, William H., Melville's Early Life and
Redburn. New York: New York University Press, 1951.
- Gilman, William H., "Melville's Liverpool Trip." In
Modern Language Notes, 61 (1946), pp. 543-47.
- Gohdes, Clarence, "Melville's Friend 'Toby.'" In Modern
Language Notes 59 (January 1944), pp. 52-55.
- Hawthorne, Julian, Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife.
Boston: Houghlin, Mifflin, 1884.
- Hayford, Harrison, and Davis, Merrell, "Herman Melville as
Office-Seeker." Parts 1, 2. In Modern Language Quarterly
10 (June, September 1949), pp. 168-83, 377-88.
- Heflin, Wilson L., "Melville's Third Whaler." In Modern
Language Notes, 64 (1949), pp. 241-45.
- Hillway, Tyrus, Herman Melville. New York: Twayne,
- Howard, Leon, Herman Melville: A Biography.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1951.
- Leeson, Ida, "The Mutiny on the Lucy Ann." In
Philological Quarterly, 19 (1940), pp. 370-79.
- Leyda, Jay, "The Army of the Potomac Entertains a Poet." In
Twice a Year (1948), pp. 259-72.
- Leyda, Jay, The Melville Log: A Documentary Life of
Herman Melville, 1819-1891, 2 vols. New York: Harcourt,
Brace, 1951. Reprinted, "With a New Supplementary Chapter," 2
vols. New York: Gordian Press, 1969.
- Lucas, F. L., "Herman Melville." In New Statesman,
18 (April 1, 1922), pp. 730-731.
- Mansfield, Luther S., "Glimpses of Herman Melville's Life in
Pittsfield." In American Literature, 9 (1937), pp. 26-
- Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr., "Herman Melville." In The
Review, 1 (August 9 and 16, 1919), pp. 276-78; 298-301.
- Mayoux, Jean-Jacques, Melville. Translated by John
Ashbery. New York: Grove Press, 1960.
- Metcalfe, Eleanor Melville, Herman Melville: Cycle and
Epicycle. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1953.
- Meynell, Viola, "Herman Melville." In The Dublin
Review, 166 (January, February, March 1920), pp. 96-105.
- Miller, Edwin Haviland, Melville. New York:
Braziller, 1975.
- Mumford, Lewis, Herman Melville: A Study of His Life and
Vision. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1929; London:
Jonathan Cape, 1929. Reissued in a revised edition, London:
Secker & Warburg, 1963.
- Owlett, F.C., "Herman Melville (1819-1891): A Centenary
Tribute." In The London Bookman, 56 (August 1919), pp.
- Puett, Amy Elizabeth, "Melville's Wife: A Study of Elizabeth
Shaw Melville." Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University,
- Quirk, Tom, "The Judge Dragged to the Bar: Melville, Shaw,
and the Webster Murder Trial." In Melville Society
Extracts, no. 84 (February 1991), pp. 1-8.
- Riegel, O.W., "The Anatomy of Melville's Fame." In On
Melville: The Best From American Literature, Louis J. Budd
and Edwin Cady, eds.. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1988,
pp. 1-9.
- Robertson-Lorant, Laurie, Melville: A Biography. (Hardcover) New York, NY: Clarkson Potter, 1993. (Paperback) Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.
- Rosenberry, Edward H., Melville. London: Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1979.
- Sealts, Merton M., Jr., The Early Lives of Melville:
Nineteenth-Century Biographical Sketches and Their Authors.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1974.
- Sealts, Merton M., Jr., Melville as Lecturer.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957.
- Stewart, Randall, ed., The English Notebooks of Nathaniel
Hawthorne. New York: Modern Language Association of America,
1941; reprinted, New York: Russell & Russell, 1962.
- Stone, Geoffrey, Melville. New York: Sheed and Ward,
- Tanselle, G. Thomas, "The Sales of Melville's Books." In
Harvard Library Bulletin, 18 (April 1969), pp. 195-215.
- Thorp, Willard, "Herman Melville's Silent Years." In
University Review, 3 (1937), pp. 254-62.
- Watson, Charles N., Jr., "The Estrangement of Hawthorne and Melville." In New England
Quarterly, 46, No. 3 (1973), pp. 380-402.
- Weaver, Raymond M., Herman Melville: Mariner and
Mystic. New York: George H. Doran Co., 1921.
- Winslow, Richard E., III, "New Reviews Trace Melville's
Reputation." In Melville Society Extracts, no. 89 (June
1992), pp. 7-12.
Letters, Journals, and Other Personal
- Davis, Merrell R. and Gilman, William H., eds, The
Letters of Herman Melville. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1960.
- Horsford, Howard C., ed., Journal of a Visit to Europe
and the Levant, October 11, 1856--May 6, 1857, by Herman
Melville. Princeton University Press, 1955.
- Horth, Lynn, "Letters Lost Letters Found: A Progress Report
on Melville's Correspondence." In Melville Society
Extracts, no. 81 (May 1990), pp. 1-8.
- Metcalfe, Eleanor Melville, ed., Journal of a Visit to
London and the Continent by Herman Melville, 1849--1850.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1948.
- Minnigerode, Meade, Some Personal Letters of Herman
Melville and a Bibliography. New York: Brick Row Book Shop,
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