Sources and Illustrations
Unless otherwise noted, the Melville texts excerpted throughout
this Site are those of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of the
Writings of Herman Melville, edited by Harrison Hayford, Hershel
Parker, and G. Thomas Tanselle, published by the Northwestern
University Press and The Newberry Library, and reprinted in the
Library of America Series.
- Battle Pieces, Clarel, John Marr,
and Timoleon: The standard edition of the works of
Herman Melville in sixteen volumes, reissued 1963 by Russell &
Russell Inc., New York.
- Billy Budd, Sailor: Text edited by Harrison Hayford
and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., published by the University of Chicago
Press in 1962, reprinted in the Library of America
Publishing Histories
In preparing the short publishing
histories of Melville's works, the following were particularly
- G. Thomas Tanselle's "Chronology," and Tanselle's and
Harrison Hayford's "Notes on the Texts", in the Library of
America Series of Melville's works;
- Watson G. Branch's "Introduction" to Melville: The
Critical Heritage (which he also edited). Boston: Routledge
& Keegan Paul, 1974.
Additional information on Typee was found in Harrison
Hayford's "Afterward" to the Signet Classic edition of 1964.
Contemporary Criticism/Melville's Obituary Notices
primary source for the Nineteenth-Century Melville criticism and
obituary notices selected throughout this Site was Watson G.
Branch's invaluable Melville: The Critical Heritage
(Boston: Routledge & Keegan Paul, 1974). Supplementary excerpts
were found in Hershel Parker's The Recognition of Herman
Melville (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
Melville's Reflections
The selections for this page were
culled from a number of resources, but by far the most useful was
The Letters of Herman Melville, edited by Merrell R.
Davis and William H. Gilman (New Haven: Yale University Press,
Melville and Hawthorne
Some interesting details on the
relationship from Hawthorne's point of view were found in
Randall Stewart's Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1948). Melville's letters were
collected from The Letters of Herman Melville, edited by
Merrell R. Davis and William H. Gilman (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1960.)
Items designated by an asterisk (*) were found in Gay Wilson
Allen's Melville and His World (New York: The Viking
Press, 1971).
- Home Page:
- *"Herman Melville, 1885." From
the Gansevoort-Lansing Collection, New York Public Library.
- "Frontispiece to Thomas Beale's The Natural History of
the Sperm Whale (London, 1839)." Courtesy Whaling Museum,
Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, MA. Found in the
Penguin Classics edition of Moby-Dick (1987), Harold
Beaver, editor.
- Typee:
- *"From Voyage autour du monde sur
la fregate `La Venus' ... Atlas Pittoresque." By Abel Du
Petit-Thouars, 1841. Photo courtesy Bernice P. Bishop Museum,
- *"Richard Tobias Green." Photo courtesy Berkshire
- Omoo: *"View on Tahiti, c. 1840." From the
collection of Frances D. Broderick (photo by Warren F.
- Redburn: "Scene at Savannah Harbor." Courtesy
Library of Congress.
- White-Jacket: *"Watercolor by William Meyers in
Abstract of a Cruise in [frigate] `United States',
the collection of Frances D. Broderick (photo by Warren F.
- Moby-Dick: "Sketch by a New Bedford Whaleman, c.
1840." Courtesy Whaling Museum, Old Dartmouth Historical
Society, New Bedford, MA. Found in the Penguin Classics edition
of Moby-Dick (1987), Harold Beaver, editor.
- Pierre: "Herman Melville, c. 1848." By Asa W.
Twitchell. Found in The Recognition of Herman
Melville, edited by Hershel Parker (Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1967).
- Israel Potter: "Battle of Bunker Hill." Uncredited
illustration, on cover of Richard M. Ketchum's Decisive Day:
The Battle for Bunker Hill (New York: Anchor Books, 1991).
- The Confidence-Man: "Steamboat 'River Queen'."
Courtesy U.S. Army Military Historical Institute, Carlisle, PA.
Found in The Civil War: An Illustrated History by
Geoffrey C. Ward, with Ric Burns and Ken Burns (New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1990).
- Battle-Pieces: Detail from "The Hornet's Nest
(Battle of Shiloh, 1862)." Courtesy Dubose Collection. Found in
The Civil War: An Illustrated History by Geoffrey C.
Ward, with Ric Burns
and Ken Burns (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990).
- Clarel: Detail from "The Hypaethral Temple at
Philae, Called the Bed of Pharaoh." By David Roberts. Found in
David Roberts: Views of Egypt and Nubia, 1995 Calendar,
published by Pomegranate Calendars and Books for The Huntington
Library, 1994.
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