Melville's Poetry
A page from The Life and Works of
Herman Melville
- Abel, Darrell, "'Laurel Twined with Thorn': The Theme of
Melville's Timoleon." In Personalist, 41
(1960), pp. 330-40.
- Arvin, Newton, "Melville's Shorter Poems." In Partisan
Review, 16 (1949), pp. 1034-46.
- Barrett, Laurence, "The Differences in Melville's Poetry." In
Publications of the Modern Language Association of
America, 70 (September 1955), pp. 606-23.
- Barrett, Laurence, "Fiery Hunt: A Study of Melville's
Theories of the Artist." Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton
University, 1949.
- Benet, William Rose, "Poet in Prose." In Saturday Review
of Literature, 30 (August 2, 1947), p. 17.
- Berlind, Bruce, "Notes on Melville's Shorter Poems." In
Hopkins Review, 3 (1950), pp. 24-35.
- Bezanson, Walter E., "Melville's Reading of Arnold's Poetry."
In Publications of the Modern Language Association of
America, 69 (1954), pp. 365-91.
- Bridgeman, Richard, "Melville's Roses." In Texas Studies
in Literature and Language, 8 (1966), pp. 235-44.
- Cambon, Glauco, The Inclusive Flame: Studies in Modern
American Poetry. Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
- Cannon, Agnes D., "Melville's Concept of the Poet and
Poetry." Ph. D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1967.
- Cody, David, "'So, then, Solidity's a crust': Melville's 'The
Apparition' and the Explosion of the Petersburg Mine." In
Melville Society Extracts, no. 70 (September 1989), I,
pp. 4-8.
- Cohen, Hennig, "Melville's Copy of Broughton's Popular
Poetry of the Hindoos." In Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America, 61, pp. 266-67.
- Connor, Marian, "The Abysm and the Star: A Study of the
Poetry of Herman Melville." Ph.D. dissertation, Boston
University, 1977.
- Day, Frank L. "Herman Melville's Use of the Rebellion
Record in His Poetry." Master's thesis, University of
Tennessee, 1959.
- Day, Frank L., "Melville and Sherman March to the Sea." In
American Notes and Queries, 2 (1964), pp. 134-36.
- Dillingham, William B., "'Neither Believer Nor Infidel':
Themes of Melville's Poetry." In Personalist, 46 (1965),
pp. 501-16.
- Donahue, Jane, "Melville's Classicism: Law and Order in his
Poetry." In Papers on Language and Literature, 5 (1969),
pp. 63-72.
- Donoghue, Denis, Connoisseurs of Chaos: Ideas of Order in
Modern American Poetry. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
- Fogle, Richard Harter, "Melville and the Civil War." In
Tulane Studies in English, 9 (1959), pp. 61-89.
- Fogle, Richard Harter, "Melville's Poetry." In Tulane
Studies in English, 12 (1962), pp. 81-86.
- Fogle, Richard Harter, "The Themes of Melville's Later
Poetry." In Tulane Studies in English, 11 (1961), pp.
- Freibert, Sister Lucy Marie, "Meditative Voice in the Poetry
of Herman Melville." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin,
- Garner, Stanton, "Herman Melville and the Trunkmaker." In
Notes and Queries, n.s. 26 (August 1979), pp. 307-8.
- Garner, Stanton, "Melville's 'Scout Toward Aldie.'" Parts 1,
2. Melville Society Extracts, nos. 51, 52 (September,
November 1982), pp. 5-16, 1-14.
- Goforth, David S., "Melville's Shorter Poems: The Substance
and the Significance." Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University,
- Hand, Harry E., "'And War Be Done': Battle-Pieces
and Other Civil War Poetry of Herman Melville." In Journal of
Human Relations, 11 (1963), pp. 326-40.
- Hayford, Harrison, Melville's "Monody": Really for
Hawthorne?. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press,
- Hibler, David J., "Drum-Taps and Battle-
Pieces: Melville and Whitman on the Civil War." In
Personalist, 50 (1969), pp. 130-47.
- Hitt, Ralph E., "Melville's Poems of Civil War Controversy."
In Studies in the Literary Imagination, 2 (1969), pp.
- Kramer, Aaron, The Prophetic Tradition in American
Poetry, 1835-1900. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson
University Press, 1968.
- Lindeman, Jack, "Herman Melville's Civil War." In Modern
Age, 9 (1965), pp. 387-98.
- Lindeman, Jack, "Herman Melville's Reconstruction." In
Modern Age, 10 (1966), pp. 168-72.
- Madison, Robert D., "Melville's Sherman Poems: A Problem in
Source Study." In Melville Society Extracts, no. 78
(September 1989), pp. 8-11.
- Martin, Lawrence H., Jr., "Melville and Christianity: The
Late Poems." In Massachusetts Studies in English, 2
(1969), pp. 11-18.
- Meldrum, Barbara, "Melville on War." In Research Studies
of the State College of Washington, 37 (1969), pp. 130-38.
- Milder, Robert, "The Rhetoric of Melville's Battle-
Pieces." In Nineteenth-Century Literature, 44
(September 1989), pp. 173-200.
- Montague, Gene B., "Melville's Battle-Pieces." In
University of Texas Studies in English, 35 (1956), pp.
- Newton, Arvin, "Melville's Shorter Poems." In Partisan
Review, vol. 16 (October 1949), pp. 1034-46.
- Sealts, Merton M., Jr., "Melville's Burgundy Club Sketches."
In Harvard Library Bulletin, 12 (1958), pp. 253-67.
- Shaw, Richard O., "The Civil War Poems of Herman Melville."
In Lincoln Herald (Harrogate, TN), 68 (1966), pp. 44-49.
- Shulman, Robert, "Melville's 'Timoleon': From Plutarch to the
Early Stages of Billy Budd." In Comparative
Literature, 19 (1967), pp. 351-61.
- Shurr, William H., "Melville's Poems: The Late Agenda." In
A Companion to Melville Studies, pp. 351-74. Edited by
John Bryant. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986.
- Shurr, William H., The Mystery of Iniquity: Melville as
Poet, 1857-1891. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky,
- Spiller, Robert E., "Melville: Our First Tragic Poet." In
Saturday Review of Literature, 33 (November 25, 1950),
pp. 24-25.
- Stein, William Bysshe, "Melville's Poetry: Its Symbols of
Individuation." In Literature and Psychology, 7 (1959),
pp. 21-26.
- Stein, William Bysshe, "Melville's Poetry: Two Rising Notes."
In Emerson Society Quarterly, 27 (1966), pp. 10-13.
- Stein, William Bysshe, "The Old Man and the Triple Goddess:
Melville's 'The Haglets'." In Journal of English Literary
History, 25 (1958), pp. 43-59.
- Stein, William Bysshe, The Poetry of Melville's Late
Years: Time, History, Myth, and Religion. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1970.
- Stewart, Rachel Whitesides, "The Conditional Mood of
Melville's Poetry." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado,
- Sutton, Walter, "Melville's 'Pleasure Party' and the Art of
Concealment." In Philological Quarterly, 30 (1951), pp.
- Tilton, Eleanor M., "Melville's 'Rammon': A Text and
Commentary." In Harvard Library Bulletin 13 (Winter
1959), pp. 50-91.
- Vogel, Dan, "Melville's Shorter Published Poetry: A Critical
Study of the Lyrics in Mardi, of Battle-Pieces,
John Marr, and Timoleon." Ph.D. dissertation,
New York University, 1956.
- Warren, Robert Penn, "Melville's Poems." In Southern
Review, 3 (1967), pp. 799-855.
- Warren, Robert Penn, "Melville the Poet." In The Kenyon
Review 8 (Spring 1946), pp. 208-23.
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