The Life and Works of Herman
Melville could never have been realized without the very
generous -- and often invaluable -- assistance of many friends
and colleagues. Melville scholars have kindly contributed their
knowledge, enthusiasm, and advice to help me
improve the thoroughness and quality of this Site, and whenever
possible I have credited them directly on the pages where their
submissions have been incorporated. Others have provided
information or support "behind the scenes," and
it has been less easy to properly acknowledge their help with a
mention in the body of the Site. I would therefore like to
take a moment to express my gratitude and indebtedness to all the
many thoughtful people who have taken part in helping me build a
presence for Herman Melville on the World Wide Web:
- Mark Castleton: for submitting bibliographic information on
the Melville works of David Jaffe
- C. Bradley Dilger: who, in his enthusiasm and generosity, is
exactly the type of reader Melville deserves and should have more
- Dr. Heyward Ehrlich: for so warmly embracing the site and
providing the URLs for Melville's online texts
- Howard Fencl: for
winning a mention for the Melville Site in
magazine (September 1995)
- Leslie L. Frisbie: for access to the Kent State University
- Guy S. Herman of the Mystic Seaport Museum: for a very kind
letter of support written to Ishmail
- Mark Kindt: the Maecenas who, in January 1995, said jokingly
"You should do a Melville Web Page!"
- Mike Kister: for generously storing this whale of a document
on his server
- Laura Lemay: author of Teach Yourself Web Publishing
with HTML in a Week (Sams Publishing, 1995)
- Carolyn Longworth: For the Massachusetts links in "Melville's
- Christopher D. Parker: for casually throwing out the remark
that first led me to read Moby-Dick so many years
- John D. Rainer: for his help in subscribing to
- Paul P. Reuben: for correcting my misspelling of E.
Allan Poe
- Jamie Rishaw: for registering the HMIS URL and tracking hits
- Robert Scharf: for our first link!
And For Their Kind Letters and Support
- Mike Ameye
- Rob Beattey
- Mike Beil
- Sam Bruskin
- James Burton
- Mattias Carlsson
- Ben Clennon
- Greg Coenen
- Jack Coogan
- Paul Craig
- Neal Davis
- Robert diCurcio
- Eddie Dombrower
- Judith Dwan Hallet
- Eric Eldred
- Aaron Ezis
- Blake Ferris
- Massimo de Forville
- Tim Fretheim
- David Garnes
- Marshall Gilliland
- Lawrence Gould
- Andrew Graham
- Allan T. Grohe Jr.
- Iain Halliday
- Robert Hamm
- Doug Handy
- Bradley Harris
- Richard Hathaway
- John Hewitt
- Irene Hirsch
- Rose Hiscock
- Homan Yuen
- Alan L. Hoover
- Hannah Huckaby
- Alex T. Hudspeth
- Nat Johnson
- Tom Kaspar
- Gray Kochhar-Lindgren
- Konstantinos Koulogiannis
- John Lambert
- Rauno Lauhakangas
- Richard Leary
- Dr. Lim Chee Seng
- Charles May
- Jim McMahon
- Thomas McNam
- Min jung Kim
- Melissa Mitchell
- William Mueller
- Michael
- Celeste Novak
- Mark Okeson
- Phyllis Orrick
- John Pagano
- Marty Priola
- Ruth Rainey
- Pam Rech
- Scott Rettberg
- Wayne Rezendes
- Bruce Rhodewalt
- Michael Rohmaller
- Mark Rosenstein
- Peter Sands
- Gerri Shaftel
- Kent Shaw
- Jane Skinner
- William Soo Hoo
- Don Stewart
- Tom the Schoonerman
- Eva van Ingen
- Susan Ventura
- Bob Waite
- Andrew D. Wallenstein
- Trista Warner
- Michael Weitzel
- Jan Werner
- Piet Wesselman
- Cliff Wolf
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