Uncollected Prose
page from
The Life and Works of Herman
Seven years before Typee made him a literary celebrity,
Melville became a published author with the submission of two
short fiction pieces to a local periodical. He would return to
writing short prose at the height of his fame (1847-1850), when
his friendship with the Duyckinck brothers led him to contribute
a number of reviews to their Literary World; and again
in the years of disillusionment following the failure of
Pierre, when he abandoned full-length novels and wrote
solely for Harper's and Putnam's monthly literary magazines.
Due to their size, Melville's uncollected prose works will
shortly be
made available here in their entirety. Since the short pieces
appearing in literary magazines did not, as a general rule,
receive a great deal of notice from critics, no contemporary
reviews have been included (but will appear at a later date if
any can be located).
- Fragments from a Writing Desk, No. 1 (Published in
Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser, May 4
- Fragments from a Writing Desk, No. 2 (Published in
Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser, May 18
- Etchings of a Whaling Cruise
(Published in New York Literary World, March 6 1847)
- Authentic Anecdotes of "Old Zack" (Published in Yankee
Doodle, II, weekly (September 4 excepted) from July 24 to
September 11 1847)
- Mr Parkman's Tour (Published in New
York Literary World, March 31 1849)
- Cooper's New Novel (Published in New
York Literary World, April 28 1849)
- A Thought on Book-Binding (Published in New York Literary
World, March 16 1850)
- Hawthorne and His Mosses
(Published in New York Literary
World, August 17 and August 24 1850)
- Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! (Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, December 1853)
- Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs (Published in
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, June 1854)
- The Happy Failure (Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, July 1854)
- The Fiddler (Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, September 1854)
- The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids
(Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, April 1855)
- Jimmy Rose (Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, November 1855)
- The 'Gees (Published in Harper's New Monthly
Magazine, March 1856)
- I and My Chimney (Published in Putnam's Monthly
Magazine, March 1856)
- The Apple-Tree Table (Published in Putnam's Monthly
Magazine, May 1856)
- The Two Temples (unpublished in Melville's lifetime)
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